
Saturday, March 1, 2008

Roller Coaster

I flew back from CA for a crash visit to Deen and Black [on behalf of Dr. H and my headhunter]. I left some messages on MySpace for my friends to catch up and then got to bed. I even decided to leave a nice comment for Leo after he text me [although I should probably have not done that].
I felt bad that my visit to CA was such a crash visit [lots of business and little fun] because I do have some friends in CA and couldn't visit them. King and Mos for instance.. Then last night King called me at 2:15 AM.. to say hi. Although I was sleepy our conversation was engaging. He’s going to Disney’s Entertainment park today and we spoke about roller coasters…
My highschool friends and I made it a tradition to visit amusement parks every quarterly: we had fun in Walibi, Disneyland Paris, Warner Brothers, The Efteling, Lego Land and so forth. Once we attended a park with school. I remember there was only one space left on the roller coaster, and that was the front cart. Stanley Meijnals- I’ll never forgot his name –he asked me if I wanted to sit with him in that cart for the ride. My girls already started to laugh because they knew my drill.

I stepped into the cart with Stanley[ the only black boy in my private school], and he was surprised I was holding his hand [ I was known for being distant and unapproachable to the boys] so he thought it was cool –... for now. We started the ride and then Stanley finally found out why my girls had such a ball AND why I was holding his hand. I AM TERRIFIED in roller coasters, but I hope each time I ride it, I will once overcome my fear. I squeezed Stan’s hands soo hard he screamed louder then me, and then when I started to cry and vomit he got sick and started to throw up too. The ride took only a couple of seconds and after we stepped out, I felt much better and Stan was a wreck Haha, I wonder how he’s doing nowadays.. I wished King a wonderful time at Disney and I told him that I would join him next time for a ride in Space Mountain…. Or maybe not… if I want this guy to be my friend...

Hugzzz Dahlings,
