
Monday, March 24, 2008

Miles on DMX: What the F*** is a Barack

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Date: Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 4:31 PM

Subject: [Angry Asian Cookie Dates 365 Days In DC]

New comment on DMX : What the F**K is a Barack??!!!!.

miles has left a new comment on your post "DMX : What the F**K is a Barack??!!!!":

I had just heard about this recently - it's pretty funny - it also demonstrates why Rappers should NOT be held up as Role Models in the Black Community.I don't think you can get enough Disclaimers - MTV should run disclaimers anytime a rapper is on television : "this person is not an informed citizen, and is only an entertainer, please do not try to be like this person. be your own person instead."What's sad is often these rappers are the ones you see on T.V. - these are the ones who get movie roles, and are
interviewed by magazines - they are propped up as role models, whether
they express interest in being one, or in not being one.So, without disclaimers people begin looking up to them, and forming ideas that follow, theirs.But ... these are not the people to follow.
Posted by miles to Angry Asian Cookie Dates 365 Days In DC at March 24, 2008 1:31 PM

Miles I totally I agree with you. I laughed out loud after reading the article, but it is sad that a role model such as DMX apparently has no clue who Barack Obama is and in addition feels violated b/c of the raid for weapons in his house. I read in another interview they also found dead dogs and numerous Pitt Bulls without water and food in his house that was raided. He has not yet been charged for animal cruelty.

To be quite honest with you as a very young teen I thought DMX was the hottest Rapper in the scene. Reading about public life [such as arrests, DUI and so forth],to me he lost all his hotness. Sure he is physical attractive but common' you cannot ignore his personality...

Hugzzz Dahlings,
