
Monday, February 18, 2008

A Piece of Me

A Piece of Me

Dating in Dc is fun but not the easiest thing to do. My preferences I shared with you are in more details listed on a Dating site. Online Dating is the perfect solution for girls like me who simply don’t have the time for an extensive social life next to a busy professional and family life. Online Dating provides the opportunity to look beyond your geographical area – if you wish so. The fun part is to market yourself bold but realistic for the potential daters. REALISTIC is a key word in my vocabulary.

Some Tips, Hints and Winks if you consider setting up an online Dating Profile

Please display ONLY pictures of YOU. Not from your friends or some poor anonymous individual who now has his face attached to your profile. Oh, and pictures of you when you were in High School or before you gained 100 pounds are cute as a reference but do display recent pictures in addition - thanks a bunch.

Expectations and Preferences:

Brady Bunch
Some data that you provide are fixed. For instance: if you consider children in the future- you can opt for yes; one or two, no; maybe Okay here’s the deal: 1 or 2 children is not 5 or 7. If you want to audition for the Brady Bunch remake – please put a notice in your essay – Thank you.

Dinner Only
Be transparent regarding your expectations or intentions: if you want a fling, or you are a serial dater looking for someone to pay for your dinner each night, I’m sure you can find your match online. You’re not unique there's an official explicite name for this phenomenon – yes, there are individuals like yourself who are in pursuit of a-dinner-only date- it’s no biggie but I'll skip that piece of the cookie.

You’re still married? Go Elf Yourself There are other sites that supplies what you’re looking for and it will only cost you the subscription fee instead of… well fill in the blanks

I’m a woman who like to affiliate herself with men who are mature and have a mind of quality. I prefer older men with life experience, who can hold a substantial conversation. Age is no guarantee, however the fault margins are smaller..

I met an individual in his 40’s very cute, intelligent, mysterious, sweet but he clubs at least 4 nights per week, and hangs out with a party crew with an average age of 25. Conversations about why another girl looks at another girl or wearing the wrong shoes with what outfit is the highest level of communication for this crowd. It’s amusing and entertaining for one evening but I don’t like to be affiliated with it too much – Hey, I have a reputation to hold up high *grin*

The Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher Factor
I guess it’s accepted for men to date women a fourth they’re age. Nowadays younger guys and women are not on common for the dating scenery. I’ve been out on a date with a younger man ONCE. He did have a mature mind when I spoke with him by phone and via chat..He was very determined to meet me. I gave in [after three weeks], and decide to have drink with Mr. Ashton Jr. [only 23 years young].

He drove his father’s car but it was a cute car. He brought me to a sports cafĂ© which was different for a first date After a few minutes I tried not to make it so obvious that t Ashton’s sweaty odor was making me obnoxious. He’s hormones were really playing parts – the poor thing.

Then the “-I’m-2- young -2-date without –my-moms –approval” kicked in. First when he was chatty it was adorable but when the conversation started to swift and stick to his PlayStation highlights of the week, I dozed off. After a good 20 minutes of listening to all the features on his newest game, I called it a quit. I tried not to hurt his feelings but have you ever played with a young puppy? A young puppy doesn’t have much boundaries unless he’s trained. If he bites and you say “NO” he’ll continue to bite unless the consequences are vivid in his mind.
After spending 10 minutes explaining why I was going home, and he almost started to cry I had to be blunt. NO I AM NOT INTERESTED IN YOU or PlayStation and I AM GOING HOME NOW. Ashton was the first and the last person I went out with under the age of 39.

DC Dating

DC dating almost incestuous. Picture this: you meet a guy on a first date, and he is befriended with your ex. You and your date exchange dating experiences, and he confides in you about how his buddy met this hot woman. When he starts with the full description of the woman and his friends desperate call for help for a second date- you realize your date is reflection on YOUR previous hell date with his friend. You go out on a date, and your date is the new co-worker of your ex. More of this in other posting.

The Family Factor
My family is essential for me and many of you. After a appalling experience Dr. H. [my brother] is actively involved in my dating experience. Our family reputation is important to us, and I cannot afford to make another disastrous decision again. In addition: I'm the baby in our family, the rebel and for this reason I have my brother to watch over me - sometimes it's awkward but ... I love him to death!

If you:
- are unaware of utilizing silverware in a restaurant;
- consider an all-you-can-eat buffet an upscaled evening out;
- have no sense of etiquette, and thus don't get the difference between a black tie, white tie, festive attire, professional attire, formal/semi-formal, resort attire, casual attire and golf attire;
- experience a dysfunctional family life;

,it will be impossible for me to fit you into my family, professional and personal life.

I’m unsure if biology is part of the standard curriculum at the – at least - High School in the US, but this is the definition of “chemistry”
Webster's Dictionary says the following:
chem•is•try n., pl. -tries. 1. the science that systematically studies the composition, properties, and activity of organic and inorganic substances and various elementary forms of matter. 2. chemical properties, reactions, phenomena, etc.: the chemistry of carbon. 3. a. sympathetic understanding; rapport. b. sexual attraction. 4. the constituent elements of something; the chemistry of love. [1560-1600; earlier chymistry].

My phenomena is configured for Black Men. No offense but I don’t reply to men who obviously don’t read my profile. My profile receives approximately 200-300 hits a day. My inbox spills over with notes from men outside of my target group, and age. My profile is now hidden. I prefer to select my potential dates myself rather then to be picked by men who cannot read, and nor meet my criteria.

You want a piece of me?

Unless you have found the solution to instant DNA changes, I might consider to read your profile or email otherwise, this Angry Asian Cookie is stuck and sealed in the Cookie Jar.

Hugzz Dahlings!